Survivor 48 premiere date, time, first look, and what Jeff Probst said about the new season

Survivor is back on Wednesday, Feb. 26
Cast from the CBS Original Series SURVIVOR, Season 48, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. Pictured (L-R): Top Row: Joe Hunter, Chrissy Sarnowsky, Justin Pioppi, Charity Nelms, Saiounia “Sai” Hughley, David Kinne, Stephanie Berger, Shauhin Davari, and Cedrek McFadden. Bottom Row: Thomas Krottinger, Star Toomey, Eva Erickson, Kevin Leung, Kamilla Karthigesu, Bianca Roses, Kyle Fraser, Mitch Guerra, and Mary Zheng. -- Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights
Cast from the CBS Original Series SURVIVOR, Season 48, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. Pictured (L-R): Top Row: Joe Hunter, Chrissy Sarnowsky, Justin Pioppi, Charity Nelms, Saiounia “Sai” Hughley, David Kinne, Stephanie Berger, Shauhin Davari, and Cedrek McFadden. Bottom Row: Thomas Krottinger, Star Toomey, Eva Erickson, Kevin Leung, Kamilla Karthigesu, Bianca Roses, Kyle Fraser, Mitch Guerra, and Mary Zheng. -- Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights | CBS

We're only a few weeks away from the first new season of Survivor in 2025. Luckily, it hasn't been a long wait between seasons. Survivor 47 just crowned its winner, Rachel LaMont, on Dec. 18, 2024. Two months later, we already know the Survivor 48 cast and have seen the first look at the new season.

We shared everything fans need to know about Survivor 48!

When does Survivor premiere in 2025?

Survivor 48 premieres at 8 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Feb. 26 on CBS and Paramount+. Like many new seasons of Survivor, the season 48 premiere will also be a two-hour episode.

New episodes will air weekly on Wednesdays in that time slot on CBS throughout the season. While we haven't heard if each episode will be 90 minutes, we're expecting that the new season will follow a similar pattern as Survivor 46 and Survivor 47 which featured 90-minute episodes outside of the premiere and finale episodes.

You can also watch the new episodes of Survivor 48 on Paramount+.

Survivor 48 cast

CBS just announced the cast of Survivor 48 at the end of January. We thought we'd be waiting until about now, two weeks before the season premiere, until the cast was announced, but CBS got the news going sooner than expected.

Let's meet the Survivor 48 cast!





Stephanie Berger


Tech product lead

Brooklyn, NY

Shauhin Davari


Debate professor

Costa Mesa, CA

Eva Erickson


PhD candidate

Providence, RI

Kyle Fraser



Brooklyn, NY

Mitch Guerra


PE coach

Waco, Texas

Sai Hughley


Marketing professional

Simi Valley, CA

Joe Hunter


Fire captain

West Sacramento, CA

Kamilla Karthigesu


Software engineer

Foster City, CA

David Kinne


Stunt performer

Buena Park, CA

Thomas Krottinger


Music executive

Los Angeles, CA

Kevin Leung


Finance manager

Livermore, CA

Cedrek McFadden



Greenville, SC

Charity Nelms


Flight attendant

St. Petersburg, FL

Justin Pioppi


Pizzeria manager

Winthrop, MA

Bianca Roses


PR consultant

Arlington, VA

Chrissy Sarnowsky


Fire lieutenant

Chicago, IL

Star Toomey


Sales expert

Augusta, GA

Mary Zheng


Substance abuse counselor

Philadelphia, PA

For the eighth season in a row, Survivor will not feature any returning Survivor players. The last time returning players were included was in Survivor: Winners at War way back in season 40. According to Jeff Probst, we won't see returning players until Survivor 50, which films later this year and premieres in 2026.

Here's what Probst told Entertainment Weekly earlier this year:

“It's just a constant flow of fascinating people. Why would we want returning players? Not yet. Time is on our side. Let's just keep going here. And that's how I feel about seasons 47 and 48. We're already meeting the people who are going to be playing months from now and we are jazzed about it. So until you said that, I don't think I'd given it any thought. There was no thought about returning players in 46 or 47 or 48.”

Follow the Survivor Instagram for more videos and bios on each cast member!

Survivor 48 trailer

Survivor fans got their first look at the Survivor 48 trailer during the Survivor 47 After Show. Following Rachel's big win, Jeff Probst shared a clip of the new season featuring all 18 new players.

There were no names of the players in the teaser yet. And, at that time, we obviously didn't have the cast list. Now, we have the cast list, along with pictures of each cast member, so fans can actually match up the names and faces to the teaser trailer now.

As you can see, there's a major moment in the teaser that features Jeff Probst calling for medical. After one medical evacuation in Survivor 46, there was no one pulled from the game in Survivor 47. It looks like that could change in Survivor 48.

Jeff Probst teases exciting Survivor 48

Host Jeff Probst from the CBS Original Series SURVIVOR, Season 48, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. -- Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. | CBS

We're only a few weeks away, and if you're looking for Jeff Probst to share some big updates about what is to come this season, you'll have to wait a little longer. After Survivor 47, Jeff Probst has only said a few things about Survivor 48 so far.

Here's what Jeff Probst told Entertainment Weekly in December:

“I am VERY excited for Survivor 48! That’s all I will say. Let’s gooooo!”

Then, at a charity event in Asheville, North Carolina earlier this month, Jeff Probst revealed that this season is a "very good season" in an Instagram video.

That's basically all he's said so far about Survivor 48 so far. That's not outside of the norm, of course, at this phase of the game. We're going to learn a lot more about the new season as we get closer. I'm sure we'll see Jeff share some secrets about the season with EW.

And, of course, we're still waiting for word on what's next for On Fire with Jeff Probst, the official Survivor podcast. One of the Survivor 47 is expected to come host with Jeff and Jay Wolff, so we'll just keep you posted on who that will be. The general consensus is pointing to Andy Rueda or Rachel LaMont, but we'll just have to wait and see.

That's basically all we know about Survivor 48 so far! Stay tuned for more news about the new season of Survivor. You know we'll be covering all season long at Surviving Tribal.