New Survivor 47 clip reveals first look at the cast, challenges, and Jeff Probst

CBS shared a new sneak peek at Survivor 47
“Scorpio Energy” – One tribe struggles to keep their heads in the game after the first tribal council of the season. Another castaway will win the biggest and most intense music battle in SURVIVOR history, “Taylor Swift vs. Metallica.” Then, tribes must use teamwork and persistence during the immunity challenge to keep them from heading to tribal council, on a two-hour episode of SURVIVOR, Wednesday, March 6 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and
“Scorpio Energy” – One tribe struggles to keep their heads in the game after the first tribal council of the season. Another castaway will win the biggest and most intense music battle in SURVIVOR history, “Taylor Swift vs. Metallica.” Then, tribes must use teamwork and persistence during the immunity challenge to keep them from heading to tribal council, on a two-hour episode of SURVIVOR, Wednesday, March 6 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and

In the last 10 days, CBS has shared two new clips from Survivor 47, including the official "first look" at the new season.

In the new clips, we're introduced to some of the main characters from the new season. CBS has not officially announced the cast, but thanks to social media posts, reveals, and unofficial sources, we know who some of the contestants are.

We're officially less than one month from the season 47 premiere on Wednesday, Sept. 18.

First look at Surivivor 47

The two-minute clip begins with a voiceover from our hero, Jeff Probst.

"Every Survivor story begins with an empty page," Probst says. "It's up to the players to leave their mark."

Then, we get to meet some of the players this season! As mentioned, CBS has not officially revealed who they are, but we know by now, thanks to the good people of the internet.

First, we get to meet Gabe Ortis, who claims he wants to be on the "Mount Rushmore of the new era" of Survivor. Then, we see Teeny Chirichillo, Jerome Cooney, and Sierra Wright, a former Miss Delaware.

Then, we get to meet Jon Lovett, a comedian, speechwriter, and the host of Pod Save America.

"I have no outdoor skills," Jon tells the camera in a confessional. "What am I doing here? I went camping as a cub scout. I threw up and went home."

Survivor grouped the podcast stars together. Up next, we meet Aysha Welch, who has been a contributor to Rob Has A Podcast, which often discusses Survivor.

Following Aysha, we meet TK Foster, Sue Smey, Genevieve Mashulak, and last but not least, Andy Rueda.

Those are the 11 Survivor players from season 47 with speaking parts in first look at the season.

Survivor 47 premieres on Sept. 18

Just before the official first look of the season, CBS shared a shorter promo announcing the release date of Survivor 47. It's only 30 seconds, but it shares when the new season premieres (Sept. 18), a new voiceover from Probst, and the first look at the host of the CBS series for the first 47 seasons.

Here's how Probst kicks off Survivor 47:

"You have people from truly different walks of life. They never would have met, and you're starting to see this community build."

Then, we hear from two new players that we met in the other preview, Jerome and Jon.

"Survivor has evolved with all these advantages, all these twists," Jerome says.

In the next clip, we see Jon talking to the camera again. "I'm radiating with anxiety," he says. "I'm just an odd person, but it'll be okay. You'll see. It's worse for me than it is for you."

I'm so excited for the new season of Survivor! I wasn't the biggest fan of Survivor 46, although it was a good time for most of the season. I shared a few reasons why I think that this season should be the better season, especially if the new players were able to watch the previous season before hitting the island.

According to reported filming dates, it looks like Survivor 47 started filming just after season 46 came to an end in May 2024.

Only a few more weeks until we have new episodes of Survivor to watch every Wednesday night. Oh, and if you missed the news, the first episode of the season is slotted for two hours. The rest of the episodes up to the season finale will be 90 minutes!

Stay tuned for more news about Survivor 47!