After the vote that saw Gabe Ortis leaving Survivor 47 episode 10, the Beka tribe headed back to their beach where it was clear that Sue Smey was taking this vote rather hard in episode 11, "Flipping the Win Switch." She wants Kyle Ostwald gone and she doesn't seem to trust people like Caroline Vidmar anymore.
By morning, Caroline decided to pull Sue aside to talk about what went down. And, Sue made it clear that she felt like this was about loyalty. However, Caroline made it clear to her that she felt like she wasn't playing her own game because of Gabe.
Now that we were down to eight on Survivor 47, it looks like Sam Phalen, Genevieve Mushaluk, and Kyle are on the outs and they realize it. They know that they are in danger and they are trying to figure out how they can push forward, and a big part of that chat is them realizing that they need to keep emotions out of things.
As the tribe is coming back together for the morning, they all hear a boat heading their way. One person has to head out on a journey. After drawing rocks, Rachel pulls the purple rock and has to get in the boat for her journey.
Rachel's Journey
Rachel LaMont finds herself being taken to a barge in the middle of the water. On the barge, there is a puzzle that needs to be solved to earn an advantage.
The puzzle is attached to weights that are attached to ropes. She must finish the puzzle (which is basically moving balls until they are all in matching columns) before the weights pull the puzzle and her advantage into the water.
If she is unable to finish the puzzle, she will also lose her vote at the next tribal council. Quickly, Rachel realizes that the weights move fast. In the end, Rachel is able to solve the puzzle with moments to spare. This means she gets to keep her vote, and she is able to block a vote in an upcoming tribal council.
When Rachel returns to Beka, she tells the tribe that she was unable to solve the puzzle. And she lets them know that she "lost her vote" at the next tribal council. Instead of keeping that news to herself, she does admit that she didn't lose her vote, and instead, she won a block-a-vote advantage to Caroline and Sue. Then, she also tells Teeny and Andy that she still has her vote, as well, as they are part of the "five."
While on the beach by themselves, Genevieve pitches to Rachel that she wants to take out Andy or Sue. Rachel tells Andy about how Genevieve has thrown out his name to go home and now he wants her to go first.
The Immunity Challenge

As the remaining Survivor players arrive at the immunity challenge, Jeff Probst decides to do a check-in that sees both Sue and Kyle getting emotional about this journey. And, even Andy chimes in about how he has been there, and they are all growing on this adventure.
For the immunity challenge, the survivors must use a rope to balance a small table where they will be stacking letters that spell immunity. If the blocks drop, they have to start over. If they want immunity, they have to spell their word and keep it standing without losing control of the table.
Many of the players start by spelling the word so that they have the blocks in the order they need them. Each player is handling this challenge a bit differently, as they try to figure out how to get their stack to stay on a wobbly table.
At one point, Sam, Rachel and Genevieve lead, with seven blocks and only one more that needs to be stacked. Both Sam and Genevieve drop and then Rachel ends up dropping. This leads to Teeny and Kyle being in the lead, but Kyle ends up dropping with Teeny with seven blocks, while Sue has five. Sadly, Teeny also drops before Sue ends up dropping.
It almost feels like an endless challenge, as players keep dropping, even as they continue to get close to a chance to win. Ultimately, Rachel beats Kyle back to the mat and wins the individual immunity!
After the Immunity Challenge
As the Beka tribe heads back to the beach after the immunity challenge, the consensus sounds like it is going to be an easy vote to get Kyle out. However, Genevieve is trying to convince Teeny that they should go for someone else, like Sue or Andy. But, Teeny refuses.
Andy and Kyle start chatting about what comes next. And, Andy outright asks him if he has a hidden immunity idol. Andy wants to go for Genevieve, so he is actually trying to pitch to get rid of her first. So part of this pitch to the other members of his five is to say that there is only a 6.25% chance of Kyle winning. However, Caroline wants to go with Kyle being voted out first.
The Tribal Council
During the tribal chat, Sam starts off by talking about who the threats really are. And he believes that people are not really seeing who the real threats are. Rachel points out that every player is going to see a different person as a threat.
Kyle chimes in and points out that he is in the hot seat, but maybe his social game isn't enough to let him win. And, Andy agrees with him while also pointing out that he lied to all three of the current jurors.
Everyone knows who the outward threats are and as Teeny points out, that is where the discussions come into play. And as the chat continues, it sounds like there could be a change in who goes home.
Kyle is the 11th person voted out of Survivor 47
After a lot of back and forth during the tribal, it didn't feel like there was a clear vote in terms of who would be the 11th player voted out of Survivor. But with only eight players left, there aren't many options for who will get sent to the jury.
In the end, it was a bit of a shock as there was actually a vote for Teeny, as well as a vote for Genevieve, before it was Kyle that was ultimately voted out. And while he was a true gentleman, hugging everyone (including Jeff on the way out), it was clear that he was the physical threat they didn't want to see in the game at the end.