Survivor Edgic: Explaining Survivor Game Changers Episode 3 – Survivor Jackpot

"Survivor Jackpot" - Brad Culpepper, Caleb Reynolds and Tai Trang on the third episode of SURVIVOR: Game Changers, airing Wednesday, March 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"Survivor Jackpot" - Brad Culpepper, Caleb Reynolds and Tai Trang on the third episode of SURVIVOR: Game Changers, airing Wednesday, March 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

According to the Survivor edgic for Survivor Game Changers Episode 3, Sandra is getting a villain edit while Troyzan and Brad are flipping their usual script.

With three episodes of Survivor Game Changers in the books (well, two weeks and three hours’ worth of content), we’re now down to 17 players left. Even though it’s still really early, there are a few characters we have seen rise to prominence or lay low based on the Survivor edgic available so far.

The great Martin Holmes at Inside Survivor has provided yet another fascinating look at the numbers and reading between the lines of the Survivor Game Changers episode 3 edit, offering a running tally of who’s being featured prominently, who’s playing under the radar, and who’s getting the villain edit. The last part is fairly obvious, but what is means for fans of players at home is entirely different.

That’s why I’m here to break it down a bit further and highlight the most interesting dynamics of the Survivor edgic for Survivor Game Changers episode 3, “Survivor Jackpot.” Let’s dive in!

Right off the bat, we have only one Over The Top character this week, as Sandra Diaz-Twine was given a clear cut villain edit over “Goatgate.” An entire block between commercials was dedicated to the dilemma over eating a mother and baby goat, and she was clearly edited negatively. “She’s a villain for a reason,” Michaela Bradshaw remarked, as everyone had to tiptoe around the feelings of the tribe leader (despite being more openly negative in their confessionals).

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When it comes to traditional Complex Personalities, Cirie Fields and Malcolm Freberg are still giving their perspectives and sitting in the middle of the season’s conversations. Malcolm was even contrasted positively, getting the CPP tag alongside three others. This bodes well for him according to Survivor edgic, as it means he’ll likely be leaned on for the season’s perspective for the long run.

There were plenty of CP edits this week from the former middle of the road and under the radar players in Survivor Game Changers episode 3, as J.T. Thomas, Brad Culpepper and Troyzan Robertson all received a CPP rating. Troyzan was edited almost heroically for his daring idol nab, Brad Culpepper looked to be the guardian angle for Tai and J.T. fought against all odds to curry favor with his tribe during Goatgate. All these players look to be developing an interesting endgame edit early.

Survivor Game Changers episode 3 was a weird edit concerning its ending, as most of the time spent whipping up the Mana tribe vote involved Tai (CP edit) and Brad making moves. Hali Ford got a CP rating over the boot, Caleb Reynolds, who was edited to be middle of the road despite knowing he was possibly the next to go. Sierra Dawn Thomas was barely involved other than to shoot down a possible partnership with Hali, and Jeff Varner has been nothing but moderately seen in the middle of the road all season long.

Finally, we have Zeke Smith, Sarah Lucina, Michaela Bradshaw, Aubry Bracco and Andrea Boehlke with the under the radar edits this time. This actually bodes well for Michaela, who was shown to be a bit of a loose cannon by Day 3. These edits may help to calm her image down. Meanwhile, Aubry and Andrea playing under the radar hurts their game the most, as they don’t seem to be key players in their tribes. Zeke’s in a mixed position, as he’s in with Cirie as a partner (even though Cirie may be targetted herself).

It’s clear that the idea of following the Survivor edgic has become more of a prevalent thing as the Survivor Game Changers crew start throwing in more twists to change up the game. Even though all votes have been fairly unanimous, the edit concerning the vote has been quite contradictory to the lead up to tribal council.

Next: Survivor Game Changers: Ranking All 33 Previous Seasons

The fear of vote-splitting and forcing a rock draw is clearly on the minds of many, which will make how the editors craft the available Survivor edgic going forward as we reach the merge that much more interesting.