Big Brother 20 episode 4: Survivor fan recap – Sting of defeat

Sonja Flemming / CBS
Sonja Flemming / CBS /

Finally, something happens in an episode of Big Brother 20, even if it seems like everything remains the same. Plus, some game players!

Big Brother 20 is already showing just how much more dynamic gameplay is over Survivor. While the latter is a lot harder physically to guide yourself through hunger and the elements, the former is such a drain on your psyche and mental capacity. We begin episode 4 on Day 9, showing just how much has shifted in what will likely be two full weeks before the first player in the house is evicted.

And they might not even leave the house!

We’ve talked at great length over the ups and downs of Samantha’s game, and this episode is the beginning of her upswing. She’s decided to keep her secret power of getting a chance to get back into the Big Brother house after being evicted to the chest, with just the Head of Household, Tyler, getting a hint that she’ll be safe.

Sam’s hadn’t had the chance to form bonds, but she sure has picked the brain of the one player destined to go far in the game. Tyler and Sam working in a secret alliance may bode well for both of them, as they can wade their way to the center as the season progresses and avoid being taken out on either side.

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With such a bloated first week schedule, Big Brother 20 sets up the lesser cast members by giving them their time in the sun. Faysal was the least trending houseguest, so he has to eat somewhere in the neighborhood of a pound or more of ham every time the doorbell rings. He even had to take an hour to go through package one, and another followed right behind him.

It’s the savage nature of production that separates Survivor and Big Brother. In the island competition, production is there to keep you sane, minimally fed and functional, while leading conversation in confessionals. Inside the BB house, however, you have production intentionally poking and prodding at your soul, testing the limits of your stomach and your mind.

The loudest and proudest have been pushed to the forefront, and it’s Swaggy C’s relationship and standing with Bayleigh that puts her in the crossfire. Tyler lets Swaggy know she may go up as a pawn if the veto is used, and that sets him off a little bit. He even tries to create distance between Bayleigh after telling her, showing his unwillingness to stay in the showmance.

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It all serves as a precursor to the Power of Veto comp, which seemed aggressively against its players. Tyler, Sam and Steve were joined by Scottie, Faysal and Swaggy C in a series of mini-competitions, starting out with a snake pit that contains “Like” icons. Collect three and move on, but have the least after five minutes and you’re out.

Everyone freaked the hell out except Sam and Steve, who fought for their lives to move on. Everyone sans Scottie moved onto the next competition; collect likes from the bottom of a huge ice water tank. Swaggy C’s beginner swimming skills prevented him from going full ham, much to the dismay of Bayleigh.

The third competition saw Big Brother 20 Power of Veto players get pelted with paintballs while standing on narrow beams, showing just how brutal this competition was. It was mind over matter for all players; it’s just that Steve couldn’t balance on the final small platform. However, it would not be the most painful mini-comp.

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Carrying balls on a balance beam into a basket 15 feet away seems like an easy task, but each player was shocked with an electric current at pre-determined times. Nothing has come close to torture on Survivor quite like this, and it helped to stop the unstoppable Samantha in her tracks. It was seriously distressing to watch.

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This all led to the final stage; taste a bunch of disgusting drinks and match them up. Some of them were called Butt Blast and such, but with Tyler throwing the competition and Faysal not having to taste ham for once, it swung directly into his favor, winning a Power of Veto Faysal agreed not to use.

The length of this week and its dedication to pre-veto airtime versus post-veto airtime was an odd decision. It’s hard to compare it to Survivor, as each episode contains at least one elimination. However, it seemed like the editing equivalent of waiting until 40 minutes past the hour to run Immunity, followed immediately by the voting process without seeing camp life or game discussions.

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We are coming close to the end of Big Brother 20, where we will say goodbye after the first live eviction on Thursday night. From there on, Inside the BB House will be the place to catch up on all things related to the show, as it’s becoming increasingly difficult to relate this odd game to Survivor in any way. It’s still a fascinating competition, but with ninety-nine days until the end of the season, it’s too much to compare.