Fans agree this Survivor 47 player is the most unlikeable

This week's episode has cemented Sue as the most unlikeable player of the season
“Nightmare Fuel” – Castaways must choose wisely as they split themselves into pairs at a crucial multi-staged immunity challenge. The deck is stacked against castaways when they embark on a journey that can drastically affect their game. Then, different names are tossed out at camp as paranoia ensues, leading to another crazy tribal council, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Nov. 13 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with
“Nightmare Fuel” – Castaways must choose wisely as they split themselves into pairs at a crucial multi-staged immunity challenge. The deck is stacked against castaways when they embark on a journey that can drastically affect their game. Then, different names are tossed out at camp as paranoia ensues, leading to another crazy tribal council, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Nov. 13 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with

Survivor 47 episode 11 was rather predictable. The biggest challenge threat and fan favorite, Kyle Ostwald, was voted out after failing to win immunity.

However, the episode also cemented one consensus: Sue Smey is viewed as the most unlikeable player left this season.

Why fans are frustrated with Sue Smey

Sue was excluded from the vote in the previous episode when her close ally Gabe Ortis was eliminated. In this episode, her conversation the following day with her ally Caroline Vidmar was confusing. She talked about loyalty and was too forgiving to Caroline, who was also involved in leaving Sue out of the Gabe vote.

Sue's 'Twiddly Dee' remark at Tribal Council

At tribal council, Sue had 'Twiddly Dee' written at the very top. This apparently stemmed from a comment made by a misunderstanding, where Andy Rueda told Sue that Kyle Ostwald called Sue and Caroline 'Tweedle Dee' and 'Tweedle Dum'.

It was supposedly the reason why Sue has been obsessed with eliminating Kyle, as she has expressed this sentiment over multiple episodes. However, it is unclear if Kyle even said it.

In the episode that aired, Kyle's quote to Andy was, "You piss off Sue, then Caroline's right behind her. They're like a mother-daughter duo." It could have been Andy who amplified it to drive a wedge between the former Tuku members.

The fact that Sue has an immunity idol isn't helping. While idols are usually powerful tools (except this season where none has been successfully played), Sue has yet to make a significant move with hers.

Many fans believe the idol is going to waste in her hands, especially as she focuses on loyalty over strategy.

Survivor fans unanimously rank Sue as the most unlikeable castaway left

In a Reddit thread ranking the remaining 7 castaways, Sue was unanimously ranked at the bottom, with only votes as the 6th or 7th favorite player (of seven).

Fans have described Sue as “unmemorable” or “the least compelling character left in the game.” A widely shared ranking of the remaining castaways summed up the sentiment: “Sue is in her own league of unlikeability. Everyone else is playing Survivor; Sue is just there.”

Her gameplay has left fans wanting more

Sue's game so far has also left fans wanting more. In the new era, players are more strategic, and alliances change quickly. However, Sue showed once again in this episode that she would pledge her loyalty to the first person who offered her any information.

After coming back from the journey, Rachel LaMont immediately approached Sue and Caroline to share that she has the 'block a vote' advantage. Immediately, Sue said that Rachel sharing that information has given her "100% trust" in everything that Rachel says. Sue is seemingly unaware of the game going on around her. Rachel then commented privately that, "Everyone knows Sue is playing a very emotional game right now."

In comparison, Caroline, who was in the exact same conversation, extracted that Rachel having the advantage is good for her game because it raises Rachel's threat level, showing how she is processing and perceiving the information differently from Sue.

Based on her gameplay and her hidden immunity idol, it is likely that Sue will make it far in this game, as she is not perceived as a threat by anyone. She is also a candidate for players to bring to the final three because the other castaways will be confident that they would be able to beat her in final tribal council.