Watch two sneak peeks at Survivor 46, episode 8: Hide 'N Seek

Charlie considers a big move against Maria while Liz struggles with Venus taking credit for her move in two new sneak peeks at Survivor 46, episode 8.
“Hide ‘N Seek” – In the aftermath of a blindside elimination, multiple castaways claim credit for their resume, stirring the pot among their fellow tribemates. In a classic SURVIVOR challenge, castaways must hold on for a shot at immunity from tribal council. Then, an innocent game of hide and seek becomes a revealing metaphor about every castaway’s SURVIVOR strategy, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, April 17 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and
“Hide ‘N Seek” – In the aftermath of a blindside elimination, multiple castaways claim credit for their resume, stirring the pot among their fellow tribemates. In a classic SURVIVOR challenge, castaways must hold on for a shot at immunity from tribal council. Then, an innocent game of hide and seek becomes a revealing metaphor about every castaway’s SURVIVOR strategy, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, April 17 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and

Survivor just dropped two new sneak peeks at season 46, episode 8, titled "Hide 'N Seek," on Monday, April 15. In the clips, there are some huge hints about what's next for Tevin, Liz, Charlie, and Maria, arguably three of the most influential people in the game up to this point.

Survivor 46, episode 8 airs on Wednesday, April 17, and after watching these two sneak peeks, it's going to be hard to wait to see how it all shakes out.

Tevin and Liz debate what to do about Venus taking credit for their move

Tevin and Liz pulled the strings on the plan to eliminate Soda at the last tribal council and send her to the jury, but Venus, who originally targeted Tevin before changing her vote later after learning, most likely, of the others' plan, takes credit for the movie. In the clip, Tevin and Liz are stewing over Venus taking credit, and they're trying their hardest to figure out what the best move is going forward.

Tevin is more than happy to move forward with Charlie, Maria, and Liz because they got what they wanted. It's clear he's think they'll deal with Venus down the line, but Liz is having a much harder time!

"And for someone like me who has a giant ego," Liz says. "it's so hard for me to give them both the play."

Liz wants credit for taking out Soda because she planted the idea in their brains a long time ago, but really, they had no opportunity to take out Soda until the previous tribal council when Moriah was voted out. And, at that point, they still needed Soda to ensure they had the numbers. This is a different phase of the game, and maybe Liz, if she makes it to the end, can convince everyone that she was Jedi-mind-tricking them the whole time into taking out Soda, but it's not like that was a major play. It was surprising to Soda, but Tevin has been trying to take out Soda the whole time, too.

Charlie contemplates a move against Maria and her alliance

Charlie was on the chopping block, or so it appeared in the last two episodes, but in reality, Charlie was very safe. He's worked his way into a great position in the game as Maria's top ally in the game. Malcolm-Denise 2.0 lives on!

Unfortunately, the clips reveals that Maria has brought Charlie into the group of six alliance established by Q, Hunter, and Tim at the journey before the merge. Charlie is happy to be a part of that alliance for now, but he's also contemplating what it means to be on the bottom of the six as the last person to be involved. Originally, Tim was in Charlie's place, but Tim wouldn't commit to the alliance and was picked off in the last episode.

In the clip, Charlie lays out his reasons for not wanting to be a part of the alliance.

"Maria is pretty gung-ho on the six," Charlie says. "She sees it as a guaranteed way to get to the final six. And, I see it as a way that I might get stuck with a bunch of people I can't beat at the end."

The clip cuts to Q, Tevin, and Hunter talking about Charlie possibly flipping on them, but Q says he doesn't think Charlie has the "killer instinct" to flip on them. Well, Charlie is considering it immediately after getting brought into the alliance.

Overall, Charlie is in a decent spot, but he has to move fast. There's no way he can be a part of this group of six. It's not even suited for Maria's game! They should be working hard to take out Q, Tevin, and Hunter, not working with them. Maria also might be the biggest threat to Charlie's game. She's been No. 1 in our player power rankings for the last two weeks!

We'll see how it all goes down next time on Survivor!

Watch Survivor 46, episode 8 at 8 p.m. ET on CBS on Wednesday, April 17.