The Survivor 47 finale part one, titled "Bob and Weave," just aired on CBS, and two players were sent home. We'll reveal that information below the spoiler warning, but it was just a fantastic episode, definitely the best of the season so far.
Now, there are four players left in the cast of Survivor 47. The Final Four has been revealed ahead of part two of the Survivor 47 finale on Wednesday, Dec. 18. As we've been doing at Surviving Tribal all season long, we ranked the remaining players from least to most likely to win Survivor 47!
Spoilers for Survivor 47 episode 13 incoming!
At the beginning of the episode, there were six players left with Sam Phalen, Rachel LaMont, Andy Rueda, Genevieve Mushaluk, Teeny Chirichillo, and Sue Smey competing for the $1 million prize!
Then, Andy Rueda was voted out in sixth place following a brilliant hidden immunity idol play by Rachel LaMont who was very clearly going home. Then, Rachel won individual immunity, and the tribe voted out Genevieve. That leaves Sam, Rachel, Sue, and Teeny left in the game.
Now, let's get to the ranking of the Survivor 47 Final Four!
4. Teeny Chirichillo

Teeny Chirichillo definitely doesn't have a chance to win Survivor 47 at this point. I think everyone respects the journey, making it this far in the game, and everything the players go through, but there's no way that Teeny would win over Sue, Sam, and Rachel.
I don't think there's a big moment that we can point to, or the jury could point to, and be like that's the move that Teeny made. Even when the game opened up for Teeny to make a big move, there has only been a few opportunities where Teeny has capitalized. Obviously, Teeny has some good relationships, so there could be few votes pulled away from Sue or Sam, but it's not going to be enough to win.
3. Sue Smey

Sue Smey also had a great performance in the penultimate episode of Survivor 47. She could have flipped on Rachel at any point, but she realized that would not actually serve her game to be the fifth person in the alliance at Final Five. And, she learned Rachel had several advantages that paved the way for Sue to make it to the Final Four, as well.
Now, things get a little bit tricky for Sue. She's never going to beat Rachel at the end, and I think she knows that. However, she's playing the game in a way that is very admirable. It's been revealed that Sue offered to play her idol on Caroline Vidmar, which is such an awesome gesture. Based on how many times Andy, Genevieve, and Sam worked against her, why would Sue want to join up with them? It's another reason I can't understand Teeny's gameplay recently.
Anyway, Sue only wins if Rachel loses the fire-making challenge. She might have a chance against Sam if she adds another immunity win or a big move, but there are not many chances for big moves. Someone will have a difficult decision to make after they win. Will that be Sue? If so, and she chooses right, things could get interesting. If not, we all know what's going to happen.
2. Sam Phalen

It's a huge accomplishment for Sam Phalen to still be in the game in Survivor 47! He was targeted early after the merge. Had a few players changed their minds or felt weird about the split vote plan in episode 8, Sam would have been voted out while Sierra Wright, his ally, would have stayed in the game. Sam has made it through vote after vote when it appeared that he could be in trouble, and he's dodged some votes, too! It's not like he was never in jeopardy, like Teeny or Sue.
But, Sam has never been the biggest threat left, and that's where he enters the Final Four. He's moved up a few places after Andy and Genevieve were voted out. They were both bigger threats than him, and Rachel put them both on the jury in fantastic fashion.
So, it's very interesting for Sam to be in this position. On one hand, I think he could have a good chance at winning if he's able to knock Rachel out of the game. But, Rachel will have a chance to make fire and earn a spot in the Final Three at the very least. If Rachel isn't sitting at the Final Three, Sam should be the favorite to win, but I would not discount the jury voting for Sue, who has played a better game toward the end of the season.
1. Rachel LaMont

Had Rachel not been playing a great game, she would still deserve to win Survivor 47 based on her performance in part one of the Survivor 47 finale alone. In this episode, Rachel pulled a Tony Vlachos to spy on her competition and find out who is actually allied with whom and learn the full plan of those working to take her out. She also channeled Russell Hantz and the brilliant hidden immunity idol plays we've seen at Tribal Council. She also played her vote-blocking advantage to ensure that the four players working against her and Sue couldn't split the vote against them. On top of that, she won individual immunity at the next immunity challenge to make the Final Four.
Rachel has been playing a great game all season, so her clutch performance at Tribal Council and in the immunity challenge makes her the heavy, heavy favorite to win Survivor 47.
Of course, there's still work to be done. Rachel has been the biggest threat in immunity challenges so far, but she knows that she'll probably be making fire if she loses. I do think that Sue would take Rachel to the Final Three if she pulls off an immunity challenge win. Sue does not have a lot of good feelings about Sam and Teeny, and she and Rachel have actually formed quite the team. So, I'd say that Rachel has a better than 75% chance to win Survivor 47. If she makes the Final Three, she's definitely going to win.
Did you see the jurors in awe of her gameplay? She has this in the bag if she makes it to the Final Tribal Council.
We'll see how it all plays out in the second half of the Survivor 47 finale on Wednesday, Dec. 18!