Survivor 47 power rankings: The final 7

Surivor is a little over a week away from the season finale and there are just seven players left. Who is in the best position to win?
Cast of SURVIVOR 47  - Wednesdays on the CBS Television Network and streaming on Paramount+
Cast of SURVIVOR 47 - Wednesdays on the CBS Television Network and streaming on Paramount+
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Survivor 47 has sped by. This season's gameplay has been fun and entertaining, with people making solid and strategic moves. Not everything has worked out for everyone (Genevieve Mushaluk having a personal grudge against Sol Yi), but the season has been much more interesting than season 46.

During episode 11, audiences saw time finally run out on the challenge beast and overall nice guy, Kyle Ostwald. It was only a matter of time before he lost a challenge and would become vulnerable. While he wasn't the strongest strategist in the game, his success in challenges and likeability (outside of Sue Smey's utter dislike for him) scared many other players and forced his name onto parchment.

This will be the penultimate power ranking for Survivor 47. Many scenarios can play out, and players worthy of victory are eliminated late. It will be fun watching it all play out.

7. Genevieve Mushaluk

Survivor 47, Genevieve Mushaluk
SURVIVOR 47 - Genevieve Mushaluk - Wednesdays on the CBS Television Network and streaming on Paramount+

Andy Rueda's math was correct when he laid the odds of Kyle winning four more challenges in a row at 6.25 percent. Andy argued that it was improbable that Kyle would win all four, but he also underestimated Kyle's chances of winning if Kyle made it to The Final Three.

Andy wanted to vote out Genevieve, as did Rachel LaMont. They just held enough sway with the rest of the voters who didn't want to go against Kyle in challenges anymore. Since the merge, Genevieve has been a strategic player and has a few power moves. She has also destroyed whatever trust she had with some of her allies.

She's received a pretty strong edit this season, but seeing a path to The Final Three is hard. Even if she can win a challenge, several people want to see her gone. She could survive another vote but don't be shocked to see Genevieve go next.

6. Sue Smey

Surivor 47, Sue Smey
SURVIVOR 47 - Sue Smey - Wednesdays on the CBS Television Network and streaming on Paramount+

It seems unlikely Sue can orchestrate a move strong enough to gain enough respect for her to win this game. Her destiny will probably be determined later in the game. It will all depend on who makes it through the next couple of votes and will want to go to the end with someone deserving or someone they can beat.

Sue falls into the latter designation. She's done nothing in this game but protect Gabe Ortis and vote the way he told her. She's made no moves of her own, and her most significant contribution to the game has been her laughable dislike of her ally, Kyle, who wrote her name down once earlier in the game. Like Genevieve's grudge against Sol for the same reason, this kind of thinking is a hindrance toward winning.

People get votes, especially premerge, when the options are often limited. Holding grudges too long in this game can be detrimental. Genevieve's grudge toward Sol for giving her a vote earlier in the game could cost her the game. Sue's rants against Kyle were just silly, made more so by the editing montage. Sue doesn't deserve to win or make The Final Three.