Who Does Tai Trang Want to Have as an Ally in Survivor Game Changers?

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

In a new interview, Survivor: Game Changers castaway Tai Trang talks about his ideal alliance on the upcoming season, but how might his plans work out?

It’s tough to deny that Tai Trang made an impact on his first Survivor appearance with Kaoh Rong. He did everything from making friends with people like Caleb Reynolds to failing to secure any jury votes despite making the final three. Now, not terribly far removed from the first time around, he’s back again to try and take the million. Like basically every returnee, he does have some ideas about whom he’d like to play with.

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Tai gave four names for the people he’d like to work with in the game: “Sarah, J.T., Caleb, and Debbie.” Let’s break down how and why those may work out for him — or if he may have to scramble for some more people to align with.

According to the officially-released cast list and starting tribal divisions, Tai will start out on Nuku with three of the four people he wants to play with: Sarah Lacina, J.T. Thomas, and Debbie Wanner. That means that he won’t have Caleb Reynolds, though, and that could leave him feeling a bit discombobulated to start the game.

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However, in our cast assessment, we actually identified J.T. as a good alliance partner for Tai, because J.T. could help conceal Tai as a target, and the two also have tendencies to work well with people you might not expect for them to play well with. (J.T. had Stephen, Tai had Caleb.) Ditto with working with Sarah as a fellow lower-priority target. It seems that Tai has some similar ideas about how to get himself through the game.

Notably, Tai left out one of the four Kaoh Rong players — Aubry Bracco. She won’t have a chance to target him immediately, since she’ll start on Mana instead. However, she may be able to use Caleb’s connection to Tai as a reason to pick Caleb off sooner rather than later. It may prove a risky strategy, since she has the Debbie connection on Nuku herself, but we could see her trying it. However, Cirie Fields may emerge to cut that down, as she has mentioned she would like to work with Caleb, Tai, and Aubry.

Could Cirie end up drawing Tai and Aubry together? We wouldn’t put it past her. However, the quick addition of a third tribe could end up scrambling all of these plans.

Next: Game Changers Episode 1 Synopsis

It looks like Tai is in a better situation than most with regards to setting up his dream alliance, though he’ll still have to work to build those connections.