Survivor celebrated its most exciting year of the new era in 2024

Survivor 46 and 47 were two of the best seasons of the new era.
“The Last Stand” – The stakes could not be higher at a crucial, muddy immunity challenge. Castaways must spark a win or flame out at a fire-making showdown to earn their way to the final three. Then, one castaway will be crowned Sole Survivor and awarded the $1 million prize, on the season 47 finale, followed by the After Show hosted by Jeff Probst, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Dec. 18 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+(live and on demand for Paramount+
“The Last Stand” – The stakes could not be higher at a crucial, muddy immunity challenge. Castaways must spark a win or flame out at a fire-making showdown to earn their way to the final three. Then, one castaway will be crowned Sole Survivor and awarded the $1 million prize, on the season 47 finale, followed by the After Show hosted by Jeff Probst, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Dec. 18 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+(live and on demand for Paramount+ | CBS

Survivor just capped off its best year of the new era in 2024 with the Survivor 47 finale on Wednesday, Dec. 18. For the first time in Survivor history, Survivor split the season finale into two parts, and it worked out very well. Who doesn't love an additional episode of Survivor? You'll get no complaints from me.

Not only was Survivor 47 the best season of the new era of Survivor, but this year (2024) was the most exciting and entertaining year for the hit reality TV series hosted by Jeff Probst since Survivor: Winners at War (season 40) aired. Honestly, we probably have to go back even further than that to find a year as good as 2024 for Survivor. The COVID-19 pandemic ruined the ending of Survivor: Winners at War and delayed the show's return for Survivor 41 and 42.

Survivor 46 was the most entertaining season of the new era

Mamma Bear
“Mamma Bear” – In one of the most emotional reward challenges of the season, castaways fight for their chance to win letters from home. Alliances begin to crumble and individual plans emerge after players compete in a race of balance, speed and puzzle skills to earn immunity and a spot in the final five, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, May 15 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for | CB

Looking back at the beginning of 2024, Survivor 46 premiered and gave fans one of the most ridiculous, exciting, and entertaining seasons of the new era. I can't remember a season of Survivor with so many missteps as Survivor 46, and it was so much fun!

It started terribly for the Yanu tribe, which lost almost every challenge before the merge, and it's only fitting that Kenzie Petty, the winner of Survivor 46, survived that mess and went on to win the season. The most memorable moments of Survivor 46 include epic meltdowns from Liz Wilcox and Q Burdette, inept hidden immunity idol play, and possible cheating during the second-to-last immunity challenge to stop Maria Shrime Gonzalez from winning. But, we also saw some incredible gameplay from Maria and Charlie Davis, only for the pair to turn on each other at the end. Even with all the idol misplays, there were several epic blindsides, too.

We also so a lot of heartwarming moments in Survivor 46. Who can forget Kenzie helping Ben Katzman through panic attacks? Or, the Ben and Charlie's Metallica-Taylor Swift song battle? It was just a good season of the series.

Survivor 47 featured the best gameplay we've seen in a long time

The Last Stand
“The Last Stand” – The stakes could not be higher at a crucial, muddy immunity challenge. Castaways must spark a win or flame out at a fire-making showdown to earn their way to the final three. Then, one castaway will be crowned Sole Survivor and awarded the $1 million prize, on the season 47 finale, followed by the After Show hosted by Jeff Probst, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Dec. 18 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+(live and on demand for Paramount+ | CBS

Survivor 46 walked so Survivor 47 could fly! This season featured some of the best gameplay we've seen in Survivor's new era. We saw so many incredible blindsides, idol plays, advantage plays, challenge beasts, and more in Survivor 47. It was great to see so many superfans pulling off major moves. I haven't been that entertained watching Survivor in a long time.

And, that's no disrespect to the other seasons of the new era. There were great moves and some great gameplay on display throughout those five seasons, of course. It felt a little different in Survivor 47. I think it took quite a bit of time for the players to adjust to the new format in the new era. Remember, in the past, seasons were 39 days (for the most part!), and the shortened schedule definitely has had an impact on the season. The game is much faster-paced, and that's by design.

Now, after seeing so many seasons, players know what to expect from the faster gameplay, and they've definitely responded by targeting threats early and often.

Winner Rachel LaMont is, of course, the standout of the season. After dominating the second half of the game, Rachel nearly became the first unanimous winner of the new era. Rachel won four immunity challenges, tied the record for challenges won by a woman in Survivor history, and pulled off the most epic immunity idol play we've seen at tribal council in a long time when she played her idol at the Final Six and knocked Andy Rueda out of the game.

If there's one thing we'll remember about Survivor 47, it's going to be the blindsides. There were so many this season! These players had no idea who was getting targeted week after week, and that made for some incredible viewing experiences. It was just a great season, overall.

Hopefully, Survivor 47's success is a turning point for the series heading into Survivor 50. I'd love to see two more seasons of great gameplay before the first returners of the new era play Survivor 50, which will be filmed in 2025 and premiere in 2026.

Survivor 48 is up next! It premieres on CBS and Paramount+ on Feb. 26, 205.