There's only one way CBS can mess up the Survivor 50 cast

We're hoping the Survivor 50 cast is announced soon!
“My Messy, Sweet Little Friend” – Idol fever strikes the NuiNui beach and launches a massive hunt for the last hidden immunity idol of the season. With the end of the game in sight, castaways begin to question whether their resumes are enough to win the title of Sole Survivor. Then, in a test of precision, castaways compete for immunity and a spot in the final six, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, May 8 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on-demand on
“My Messy, Sweet Little Friend” – Idol fever strikes the NuiNui beach and launches a massive hunt for the last hidden immunity idol of the season. With the end of the game in sight, castaways begin to question whether their resumes are enough to win the title of Sole Survivor. Then, in a test of precision, castaways compete for immunity and a spot in the final six, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, May 8 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on-demand on | CBS

Survivor 50 will probably start filming in just a few months in Fiji, but recently, Jeff Probst revealed the creative team is still working behind the scenes to make some key decisions about what's already the most highly anticipated season of Survivor in a long time.

Obviously, we still have two seasons of Survivor before Survivor 50 airs in early 2026 (if all goes according to plan). Survivor 48 premiered on Wednesday, Feb. 26. Jeff also mentioned that casting is underway for Survivor 49, which films this spring.

Everyone who has ever played Survivor seems to be throwing their hat in the ring to be cast, while a few others have officially opted out. Benjamin "Coach" Wade is the latest to opt out of the Survivor 50 cast. There are many rumors circulating online about who is in the mix, who has turned it down, and more. At this point, we just don't know what's real and what's not. Assuming Jeff is telling the truth and the Survivor 50 cast has not been selected yet, I just want to share a few thoughts about the only way I can see CBS messing up the Survivor 50 cast.

Survivor can't overthink the season 50 cast

Day 39 breakfast Survivor Winners at War finale
"It All Boils Down to This" - Natalie Anderson, Tony Vlachos and Michele Fitzgerald on the three-hour season finale episode of SURVIVOR: WINNERS AT WAR, airing Wednesday, May 13th (8:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Screen Grab/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. | CBS

The only way that Survivor 50 goes wrong is if CBS overthinks it and brings back too many players who are there just to be there. Survivor: Winners at War was obviously a super-competitive season, but did every player really want to win? Were they playing just to play? I think that's a bad example because those players really did bring the energy required to win, but I could see a group of players coming back just to get their name and face on our TV screens again, the player that artificially stirs up drama. That's the player Survivor should avoid for Survivor 50.

This season is a big deal for superfans, regular fans, and anyone who has ever watched a season of Survivor. Jeff has called it a "celebration," so let's celebrate with the actual players who made us fans in the first place with a highly competitive season. We need some icons, some legends, and some charisma, but the casting team can mix that in with a few of the more popular new players.

We do not need gimmicks. We don't need any extra frills with this cast. We just want a cast of good players ready to give it their all, you know? I don't feel like that's a hard task. Narrowing the list from 100 players to 20-ish players is a challenge, for sure, but at the end of the day, this casting team just needs to do what it does best: bring out players who love the game and want to win. That's it.

We know everyone can't be included in the season. We know a lot of the players who have played multiple times probably aren't interested in returning, but there are more than enough legendary Survivor players who have played that will return for the shortened season.

I don't know if that means that we'll see Boston Rob or Sandra Diaz-Twine or Tony Vlachos, but in a show that's really made by it's incredible players, CBS, Jeff, and the team should have no problem putting together an interesting season.

Between seasons 30 and 39, there were so many incredible players on Survivor! I'm not even talking about the winners of those seasons. There are more than enough good personalities to really make a splash. Some of those players have to be available and willing to give it another shot.

Even if they have to go a little bit heavy on the more recent seasons of the New Era, there are more than enough good players to make some magic happen. The Survivor 48 cast is fantastic. There are a few players I would love to see back in the game. Is the new On Fire with Jeff Probst cohost Rachel LaMont available? What about Gabe Ortis or Genevieve Mushaluk from Survivor 47? Can you imagine Charlie Davis and Maria Shrime Gonzalez back on the beach together after Survivor 46?

Survivor has evolved so much. The fan voting wrinkle is enough of a twist to check that box. The rest of the game should be up to the players to move the game forward with outstanding, bold gameplay. At its core, that is what Survivor is all about!

We should find out the Survivor 50 cast soon! Stay tuned for more information!