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Survivor birthday: Kelly Wiglesworth (Borneo, Cambodia) turns 40
Survivor birthday: J.T. Thomas (Tocantins, HvV, Game Changers) turns 33
How can Survivor let its winners play again?
How many times should one person be allowed to play Survivor?
Survivor birthday: Wes Nale (San Juan del Sur) turns 27
Should Survivor repeat old themes like Worlds Apart?
Survivor birthday: Tyson Apostol (Tocantins, HvV, BvW) turns 38
Survivor: Former players to appear on premiere of CBS’ ‘Candy Crush’
Survivor has learned from casting mishaps
Survivor birthday: Monica Culpepper (One World, Blood vs. Water) is 47
Survivor season 36 speculation: What’s the twist behind this rumored name?
Survivor birthday: Chelsea Meissner (One World) turns 32
Survivor birthday: Spencer Bledsoe (Cagayan, Cambodia) turns 25
Survivor birthday: Fabio Birza (Nicaragua) turns 28
Survivor’s extra vote: To keep it or not to keep it?
Survivor season 36 title revealed with a paranormal feeling
Should Survivor repeat its Exile Island twist?
How can Survivor improve the hidden immunity idol for future seasons?
Survivor birthday: Kelley Wentworth (BvW2, Cambodia) turns 31
Why Survivor should keep the new Final Tribal Council format
What if Cirie hadn’t gone out at the final six in Survivor: Game Changers?
Survivor Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers premiere date
Survivor Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers: Pitching better names
Survivor birthdays: Mikayla Wingle (South Pacific) turns 28
Aubry Bracco pens heartfelt thanks to her Survivor family on Facebook
Survivor Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers: The full rumored cast
Watch the first Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers preview
Survivor season 35: What the reunion show confirmed